ExPress™ Press Fabric

The ExPress is a totally Non-woven 3 Layer modular structure (1+1+1). The base modules utilize a cabled monofilament yarn system which provides a high level of compressibility, pressing uniformity as well as excellent batt anchoring. The non-woven structure provides immediate nip saturation for instant startup and high levels of nip dewatering. The multi-directionality of the base modules gives excellent dimensional stability as well as a compaction resistance for Steady State performance. Endless Construction

Product Benefits:

  • Immediate startup and break-in
  • High dewatering rates: increased solids, lower draws, reduced energy consumption
  • Excellent sheet uniformity, smoothness, 2-sidedness
  • Increased life: improved end of life performance-steady state operation, increased wear resistance and durability
Americas For More Information, Contact:

Bill Hoey

Product Manager - Press
Americas For More Information, Contact:

Chad Wray

Product Manager - Press
Americas For More Information, Contact:

Matthew Spickard

Product Manager- Press